Friday, May 18, 2007

PMBR day 5

I had to go to a baseball game with a bunch of my friends so I chose to prioritize that over PMBR day 4. I hear it was as enthralling as the first four days so I don't think I missed anything.

Day 5 was just as fun as the other three days. As far as actual test takers, it was pretty empty, but that made it nice and quiet. Of the 50 today, I hit 28 or 29, which according to the lecturer makes me "a super all-star." I beg to differ, but I'll take the compliments where I can get them. Someone else in my row got 32, so obviously they must be a "super super all-star."

I wonder how many of these mneumonics I'm going to actually remember. I tend to remember the mneumonic but not what it actually stands for. Hopefully that changes over the next couple months. Only one more day to go. The fact that it's on a saturday morning just sucks.


Anonymous said...

Which bar are you taking?

Also, do you know if these PMBR Q's truly are similar in terms of level of difficulty with actual MBE Q's?

ECL said...

I was just talking to one of my friends about this the other day. He suggested that the PMBR questions were more difficult than the real thing, but it made it easier when he actually took the multistate - not so much in that some of the questions were the same, but in that he was more familiar with the format of the questions.

He also said that the Barbri questions and answers were better, so I guess I'm going to check them out when I pick up my books tomorrow. In the end, he said that neither one quite had it right, but if you stick to one or the other and do 50 a day, you should be fine. Hopefully that is the case. The gist of that conversation and my concluding thoughts on the PMBR 6-day can be found here.