Monday, May 14, 2007

PMBR day 1

As I mentioned before, I decided to take PMBR 6-day and the 3-day course despite my better judgment. Part of me figures that multiple choice has never been a super strong point, so what the heck. Out of the 50 questions today, I got 24 correct. Since that's failing by most standards, I felt pretty stupid. According to PMBR though, failing is fantastic. Go figure.

I disagree with at least four of their answers, and at least one of questions has two correct answers, so I'm not sure what to think. Needless to say, I'm a little skeptical. I'm also not sure why they would give you two hours to take an exam that in real life is supposed to take only 1.5 hours, but I guess it's a good wake up call. At least I'm back in time for PTI.

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