Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Test of the expandable entries

Obviously some of my entries are longer than others. I finally figured out a way to fix the pages so that the longer entries are short and if you want to read the entire thing, it will open in a new window. I'm not going to waste my time and go back to the old entries to edit them, and apparently the "Read More" aspect is a default now so it's just on there. To read the rest of my short entry, click below.

There isn't any more than this. This is mostly a test for myself. Fall TV review is coming tomorrow before I head out to visit some college friends for labor day weekend. To learn how to do this using Blogger, visit the Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta.


ECL said...

I also want to give credit to the Dummies Guide to Google Blogger for explaining, in very simple terms, how to add the "Digg" feature. See Digg for Blogger. Feel free to "digg" this blog or any of my entries if you feel so inclined.

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