Monday, July 16, 2007

One week to go...

There are a lot of things worth commenting about as of late and I simply don't have time at the moment to do it. A few random thoughts for the day though:

If you have time and want to see an actual, seemingly intelligent battle of wits going on between CNN and Michael Moore, visit this link, where CNN debates various points Moore has challenged about a CNN broadcast regarding his movie. I tend to side with CNN since I am well-versed in how easy it is to manipulate statistics and found myself recalling this quote from the Simpsons after reading this article:

Kent Brockman: Mr. Simpson, how do you respond to the charges that petty vandalism such as graffiti is down eighty percent, while heavy sack-beatings are up a shocking nine hundred percent?
Homer Simpson: Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forfty percent of all people know that. (quote is from Wikisimpsons)

CBS is planning to run a show about 40 kids who are running a town on their own. Kid Nation premiers this fall. It may be worth watching one episode, but I think I would be annoyed pretty quickly.

Lastly, and speaking of quotes, I often think of this one from the Shawshank Redemption when I'm doing multiple choice problems (quoted from someone who appears to have lifted the script or wasted a lot of time typing it out):

ANDY: Well?
TOMMY: Well. It's for shit. (gets up in disgust). Wasted a whole fuckin' year of my time with this bullshit!
ANDY: May not be as bad as you think.
TOMMY: It's worse! I didn't get a fuckin' thing right! Might as well be in Chinese!
ANDY: We'll see how the score comes out.
TOMMY: I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out...
Tommy grabs the test, wads it, slam-dunks it into the trash.
TOMMY: Two points! Right there! There's your goddamn score! (storms out). Goddamn cats crawlin' up trees, 5 times 5 is 25, fuck this place, fuck it!

I don't recommend crumbling up your scantron though after the MBE.

1 comment:

DroitFemme said...

I absolutely adore that movie -- the bar is a fabulous application of that quote.