Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Minimal competency

One of my friends put it best when she says that whenever you get frustrated, you just have to remember that the bar is a test of minimal competency. She's exactly right, and it's easier to say in hindsight than currently. After all, it's just a test where you're looking to write enough so that in the minute that the bar graders are reading your essays, they have confidence you know what you're doing. For once, we'll all looking for the "D" instead of the "A." As one of our instructors put it, you've probably taken harder tests in law school; this one is just more bulky. And it's for your livelihood.

And on that note, I think I'm going to do a little work and then watch Transformers. Did I mention how I can't believe I'm doing work on the 4th of July?


Anonymous said...

Good observation - that's exactly how I felt. After 3(L) years of misery, one would pray he is AT LEAST minimally competent. So I gave it a go. Turns out on the first attempt I was 4 points shy of minimum competency. On attempt two I was 4 points higher. If you average that together, I am exactly minimally competent. The only difference between attempt one and two is that I studied for two solid hours for the second time - yes 2 total solid hours AND two total solid hours more than the first time.

ECL said...

Two hours.... to borrow a line from Enemy of the State, "Either you are very smart or... incredibly stupid." But good for you. While I am going for the D like everyone else, I'm not as big a gambler. Maybe in February if I decide to do this again for one of those "easy" jurisdictions with 90%+ pass rates like Georgia.