Tuesday, February 05, 2008

All this election coverage reminds me of one of the greatest Simpson's quotes ever

As Marty McFly said in Back to the Future, "this is an oldie but a goodie." The incessant election coverage tonight reminded me of a great Simpsons quote (from Treehouse of Horror VII):

Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They're
nothing but hideous space reptiles. [unmasks them]
[audience gasps in terror]
Kodos: It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about
it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.
Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away.
[Kang and Kodos laugh out loud]
[Ross Perot smashes his "Perot 96" hat]

Because in the grand scheme of things whatever California decides tonight has little bearing on any of my work tomorrow, I am going to bed. I can find out in the morning with the rest of the east coast.

And, I even went ahead and cast my vote toward a losing candidate today. Did this essentially throw my vote away? Probably. It was still fun though.

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