Thursday, February 07, 2008

ABC's Eli Stone thoughts - this show sucks and don't waste your time

I haven't seen more than 15 minutes of this show Eli Stone, but that is plenty enough to say that I can't really keep watching it - the premise is okay, barely, but I just can't suspend disbelief that a first year associate would be allowed to say anything in a meeting, let alone speak over a senior associate during a settlement negotiation.

Sometimes I wonder who are the lawyers who these shows hire as consultants in an effort to make the show plausibly realistic. Of course, with a guy seeing visions, I'm not exactly holding my breath during my suspension of disbelief. This may seem odd considering I have spent considerable time watching stupider shows like Heroes. Nevertheless, as someone who has spent even more considerable time studying the law, I can state with near certainty that this show is way way too unrealistic, even for me.

From a lawyer's perspective, I can't say Eli Stone is going to get any more of my time. Nice try ABC. Next time why not create a doctor who has visions who is surrounded by first year residents who have the amazing ability to perform brain surgery on command.

So, is there a reason that Eli Stone got started at the mid-season? Absolutely. Is it going to get picked up? Absolutely not. Are first-year associates really getting that kind of work? Well, I can't say for certain, but at a big firm like the one portrayed in the show, "all signs point to NO."

But in searching to see if my perspective of the show is unique, I came across an even funnier link: TV Touched By a Law - Popsquire. It didn't have to do with this show, but it was a funny point about a bonehead remark Paula Abdul apparently made to a contestant during an episode of American Idol.


Anonymous said...

Fun blog! Popsquire did blog about Eli Stone, and we share somewhat similar points of view. Popsquire encourages first year associates -- like yourself -- to do more thorough research!

Hint: Do a search for "Eli Stone" on and you'll find what you're looking for.

Anonymous said...

BTW, check out Popsquire on the TV Guide Channel's "Hollywood 411," Friday night at 9pm!

Anonymous said...

hmm, I googled Eli whatever discussion and got only a few hits, I googled Eli Stone sucks and got dozens!

I could care less about its factualness regarding the profession, I mean get real, what profession is detailed honestly in a tv show?
My objection basically supports my belief that hollywood writers should stay on strike and die of hunger. They ran out of original ideas a decade ago.
Wow! A lawyer who hallucinates! Call Allie McBeal and praise the lord. What a waste of time and shame on any advertiser wasting their dollars supporting this crap.

micheal said...

The show is not religious but it certainly traffics in the spiritual as it explores the life of Eli Stone (Jonny Lee Miller), a corporate lawyer with an aneurysm who imagines his co-workers singing and dancing in sequences that lead him to helping others.

Anonymous said...

Yeah i just watched eli stone and can safely say it sucks.

But i also have to say FUCK YOU for dissing heroes =).

And dont take tv shows so seriously or you will be very unhappy in life.

ECL said...

Heroes, even this current season, continues to sink further and further into the category of bad writing. I don't think they can blame the strike on the way this series has gone, just the creativity of the writers.