Monday, September 10, 2007

Sen. Craig wants to withdraw his guilty plea? Well...

I saw that Senator Craig from Idaho has filed to withdraw his guilty plea. See Craig Files to Withdraw Plea, Blames Stress from Paper's Investigation. Having not really paid too much attention to all of this nonsense, all I really know is that he pled guilty to some sort of shady bathroom business a while back, and the papers didn't catch wind of it until a few weeks later. Then all hell broke loose, he wanted to resign, he didn't want to resign, he is guilty, he only said he was guilty, he didn't mean it, etc., etc. For all of this waffling about, I thought the news was reporting about John Kerry again. It must be getting close to an election year.

Anyway, when I read this article, I pictured this scene in the courtroom where he learned the harsh truth to the phrase "anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law." Or in his case, the court of public opinion.

Scene: After waiting for about 20 other people to plead guilty or no contest, Senator Craig approaches the Court. Nervous, but confident that his job and reputation will be spared by this innocuous incident, Senator Craig approaches the center podium. The law clerks from Idaho perk up, having heard that a Senator was going to be there this morning pleading guilty to some sex crime.

JUDGE: Mr. Craig, you understand that by pleading guilty to this crime you ...
JUDGE: (More routine, constitutionally unambiguous questions).
DEFENDANT: Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes.
JUDGE: Do you admit to (whatever sexual deviance that made him guilty of this crime).
JUDGE: (More script). GUILTY.

On appeal, I think the honorable gentleman from Idaho is paddling against the current. Of course, one would hope that his lawyers now must have a good faith basis for making this appeal. And I would guess that the trial transcript of the colloquy will resolve all issues. Of course, this is a lot of hyperbole and speculation, and I have no idea how they operate over in Idaho. Nevertheless, I will only be surprised and call Monday morning quarterbacking shenanigans if they give him a second bite at this... apple. Just my two cents.

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