Monday, September 17, 2007

Heard around the clerkship circuit

I'm heading out but two things real quick. One, and this is more of a teaching point more than anything - don't spell things wrong in your briefs. Second, the previous clerk left this piece of humor for me (that was written in a past brief): "A bus owned (plaintiff)." Bearing in mind that this dealt with some sort of personal injury insurance case, I thought the choice of language, although a bit colloquial, was pretty funny.

And, some news about $50k clerkship bonus... Skadden will pay theirs the day you are finished your clerkship. I know I read that a few places will tack it onto your first paycheck, which I think is a bit late considering that most of us want to take at least a month off before diving into BigFirm life. According to my source, the amount after taxes is somewhere in between the meaty part of $32 and $34k. The latest comment on this particular area from Above the Law can be found here: Law Clerk Salaries Benefits.

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