Tuesday, October 31, 2006

CBS thwarts my time wasting efforts again

For the past two weeks, I have been spending inordinate amounts of my free time editing an article for publication. For you editors out there, I will (in very short order) be posting my comments on the bluebook system in an effort to try and standardize some of these citations (e.g., Westlaw, Blogs, NYSE Listing Manual, SEC stuff, to name a few). So after finally finishing this article, my nights are a little more free (or as free as they could be given that now I have two weeks of back work to catch up on).

Anyway, I had some free time now and thought I would spend it watching Shark, since I didn't watch it in real time because I was sick Thursday night and didn't bother to record it since I figured it would be online. Needless to say, CBS's Innertube once again blew it by not posting the latest episode of Shark, a complaint I discussed briefly last week and incorporate into this entry by reference. They did post the series premiere, which is fine if I hadn't already seen it, but the show isn't that good that I'm going to go out of my way to watch it Thursday nights. If it's not online, I would go as far as to say it's losing mass viewership.

My suggestion is that CBS hire some sort of internet consultant (and I'm sure there has to be some firm that does that by now) that can track real time visitors who are watching the shows online. As I have previously discussed, it's only a matter of time before these networks and media giants use the internet more effectively. Through this internet consultant/tracking system, they can use more effectively the combined Neilson-online viewer rating system and guage exactly how well a show or advertising campaign is doing. CBS's continued failure to pounce on this technology and, in effect, doing the online thing half-assed, just shows that their problems with the Katie Couric decision are just the tip of the iceberg. And now with Bob Barker leaving, how will that affect the ratings game? And, perhaps more importantly, who will host the Price is Right, Richard "Don't typecast me as Tool Time's Al Boreland" Karn?

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