Sunday, June 24, 2007

In one month....

As several of my friends studying for their various bars across the country have pointed out in their away messages this weekend, the bar is exactly a month away (from either yesterday or today depending on where you're taking it). That means a month from tomorrow will be the multistate. Scary stuff.

In this past month, I've settled into a rather tedious study routine. I get up, I go to class from 9 to around 12 or 1. I break for lunch. I come back and review or outline what I did that morning until 5 or so. I break for dinner. Then I go back and do at least 50 multiple choice questions a night. This takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, then I spend the remaining amounts of my mental energy going over the problems. This repeats for days at a time, although some afternoons and evenings are less productive than others. Did I mention how much I hate going to the library now? Bar review has ruined the summer of '07.

I suppose I don't really need to change pace until after the 4th of July. By then my goal is to be done the red and most of the blue PMBR books. At 50/day, that shouldn't take too much longer. I think if you do 50/day, you can have 2000 done in 40 days. Counting the six-day PMBR, I reckon I'm over 1500 by now. That's even scarier.

The more frustrating thing is not knowing how many I should be getting right. Some days I get half, other times I'll get around 35/50 right. I have to hope that the real thing is at least similar or at little less nit-picky or otherwise I'm screwed.

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