Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ernesto, Labor Day, and Rachael Ray

Although what's left of Hurricane Ernesto still managed to thwart my Friday afternoon golf plans, I wound up going to visit one of my college friends who, after having the government pay for his medical school, is now on the verge of beginning to repay this debt by being sent as a flight surgeon across the world. His fiance plans to join him in a few months, and I'm sure they will have plenty of stories when they get back. He said that they get tv shows only a week later than they air here on the east coast, so at least it's not like he's going to some desert island or something like that.

I wound up watching some of the Phillies' Ryan Howard's great 3 HR game, and if he breaks 62, then I would think that he would be the first untainted player since Maris to break 60 in one season. Good for him.

All in all, this was a nice relaxing weekend. As a result, I decided to open up the Rachael Ray book that my grandmother had given me for Christmas and cooked a chicken recipe right out of it. Law school, to some degree, has made me a regular Chef Boyardee, and for tonight's exquisite meal, I only set off the fire alarm once, and that was because I forgot to turn the oven fan on. Our new sprinkler system didn't go off, so whether it actually works or not still remains to be seen.

Side note: Unfortunately for law school, there is nothing like the Armed Forces HPSP program, which should be considered by anyone who is about to face the quarter million dollar road that leads to the M.D. and appropriately discussed with your health professions advisor (either undergraduate or post-baccalaureate).

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