Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bad dates, cell phones in the bathroom, and Inside Man

Yesterday morning, I stopped in the library bathroom for a moment and heard some clown jabbering away on his cell phone as he was taking a dump. I'm sure this has happened to other people as well. Frankly, unless you're a doctor on a real emergency call, I don't see a need for anyone to be using the cell phone in the bathroom. First, you have that echo. Second, if I hear someone on the cell phone, I try and flush a bunch of toilets and make other noises to let whoever the person on the listening end know that this person has absolutely no respect for the conversation you are in. The same goes to the kids in the movie theaters who must be 15 or 16 answering their phone (and talking on it) during the movie, and letting the other person know they are watching a movie. They aren't Doogie Howsers, and I'm sure whatever adult they are with (if any) doesn't consider it any different than when they pick up the phone in the middle of dinner to tell their friend they are eating dinner. Ultimately, something really embarrassing will happen to you, such as when you are working for a cable news network and on a break, you hop in the stall and chit-chat away to one of your friends, unbeknownst to you both that your mic is still on and your conversation has been broadcast, recorded, and will be replayed ad infinitum to the Internet world: CNN Kyra Phillips snafu.

Prior to law school, I would go out like 3 or 4 nights a week (probably 4 on average). Between two jobs, my work day was about 12-14 hours on average, 5-7 each Saturday and Sunday, and I often burned the candle on both ends, but it was okay. Obviously in law school, you don't have the social luxury to do that, or at least, not for very long once things really start rolling. Anyway, I had plans to go out last night and from the start, my plans finished in the exact opposite way I figured. The highlight of the night was that I finally saw the movie Inside Man, which I thought was good. It's one of those movies you will probably only watch once, as was surreptitiously (slightly) ruined for me in advance. Personally, I think Denzel Washington's a solid actor and Spike Lee is a great director, and the story keeps you interested the whole time, which is difficult to do nowadays. I would recommend this movie as the best movie I have seen in 2006, and among bank heist dramas that aren't comedies like Ocean's 11, as good (or better in some ways) than Heat.

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