Sunday, March 18, 2007

Law school girls

In college, two of my roommates concluded one night that you could use the phrase "girls are stupid" and that pretty much explains away any situation where a chick does something that a guy would find incredibly unbelievable. On this topic and its relation to law school, I have nothing to say except that it continues to work to explain any situation involving law school girls.

I think I need to follow my friends' advice seriously and not even try to date any law school girl. The type-A personality conflict is just too much, and with the bar finish line so close, I have better things to worry about than some stupid girl who I can't waste any more time over. Maybe by writing it down, I'll stick to it.

On a different note, I heard someone refer to someone's testimony as "testification" in court the other day. That was pretty funny and even the judge laughed.

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