Friday, December 01, 2006

Cell phones in the bathroom

I find there is a difference between bothersome and annoyance, and while the use of cell phones in the bathroom doesn't really bother me, I do find it particularly annoying. What possibly motivates people to carry on a conversation while they are taking a dump? I can sort of excuse it if they are a doctor on call, but in that case, they would get a page first anyway. I'm only assuming that the toilet-talkers are talking to someone they care absolutely nothing about since I find it pretty disrespectful. So you think my conversation is crap? Tell me, don't actually do it. Geez.

I try and flush the surrounding toilets and urinals and otherwise make a lot of noise so maybe the person on the other end realizes he or she is being crapped on and should opt to call back later.

On the scale of annoying places to talk on your cell phones in public, the bathroom cell phone call probably ranks first, followed by the people who answer during a movie to tell whatever insignificant person who is calling that they are watching a movie. These people aren't doctors, and consequently, nothing can possibly be so life-altering that the phone call must be taken right then right there. That goes double for the calls while you are taking a dump.

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